Tight Gas Network Modelling

A network modelling project for an onshore tight gas field was conducted for an E&P company based in India. The field currently has 4 well pads with 30 wells. Future development will include additional wells, well pads and upgradation of the processing facility.

The main objectives of the integrated asset modelling project were

  • de-bottlenecking the existing system and optimising production in the short term using a validated GAP network model of the current set-up

  • providing support in the system upgradation design after incorporating planned future wells and changes in the network in the GAP model

  • coupling the GAP network model with the dynamic reservoir model (IMEX,CMG) for a fully integrated model (reservoir/wells/network) to be used for production forecasting

The project had been split into two phases.

  • Phase I – included construction/validation of the GAP network model of the current system and evaluation of field potential with the current well stock and network considering changes in number of available wells, rate limits at pad level, changes in arrival pressure and changes in temperature handling limit at the gas terminal

  • Phase II – included integration of the GAP network model with the IMEX reservoir model for evaluation of sustainability of production enhancement opportunities identified in Phase I taking into account the changes in reservoir deliverability with time as well as incorporating planned future development plans into the integrated model and production optimisation analysis of the new system

The project identified significant potential gains (> 50%) in production through optimised settings in the current system in the short/medium term. Also, cost savings were identified in future development plans in terms of network infrastructure requirements and compression timings.
